Aromatic Massage for mental health and wellness

Massage is a powerful tool that can fit into a treatment plan for mental health issues.

Mental health is associated with psychological and emotional well-being.

Mental health problems can affect the way you think, feel and behave.

Multiple studies suggest that massage may help to improve symptoms of anxiety and depression, whilst encouraging relaxation.

Professionally trained massage therapists have a significant role to play in the emotional and psychological health of their clients.

Massage is not a replacement for conventional psychological treatments but  as an additional complementary therapy.

Manual therapy offers benefits for a number of mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety and stress.

Essential oils are a powerful supportive tool to aid emotional healing. Their benefits increase when used in conjunction with complementary alternative therapy.


Although essential oils are derived from plants, they are highly concentrated and in many cases can have a medicinal effect on the systems of the body.


General Contraindications for essential oils.

  • Keep essential oils out of reach of children

  • Do not ingest essential oils under any circumstances

  • Do not use on or near the eyes

  • Use with caution on broken or damaged skin

  • Do a skin patch test first if prone to sensitivity

  • Store essential oils away from light and heat

  • For topical (skin) and bath applications; always dilute essential oils

  • For skin applications, always dilute with a carrier oil or cream

  • For bath applications, always dilute with dispersant

  • If symptoms persist, consult a medical practitioner


Essential oils contain several allergens and should be used cautiously on skin.

The combination of massage therapy and aromatic oils work together to improve circulation and enhance the workings of your brain. This happens because the olfactory nerves within the brain are stimulated by the circulation effect that aromatherapy massage provides. This process stimulates the production of serotonin, which leads to higher alertness and mental function.


Massage for mental health and wellness

Massage therapy is the manipulation of soft tissues, which include muscles, and connective tissue, tendons and ligaments. Massage helps to provide both physical and psychological  relaxation, while relieving aches and pains that have been caused by everyday life.

Massage is a powerful tool which can fit into a treatment plan for mental health issues.

Massage  helps people cope with mental health problems by lowering levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Our bodies release cortisol via the sympathetic nervous system - the 'fight or flight' system. Spending extended periods of time in this state of high alert can be problematic for our mental health. Massage leads to the decrease in cortisol levels and leads to an increase in oxytocin in individuals. Oxytocin levels also increase when you are being cwtched.

Massage encourages the release of  hormones that act as the body's natural pain reliever, endorphins, and the 'feel good' hormone dopamine and the neurotransmitter serotonin. These hormones are linked to mood regulation and create feelings of relaxation and help stave off anxiety and depression,

The positive psychological effects of massage sessions last for days after the treatment.

  • Positive emotions and expression, including cheerfulness,

  • Pride,

  • Enthusiasm,

  • Energy, and

  • Joy

Massage is an appropriate tool to use to improve mental health in the following circumstances:

  • Relaxation

  • Prior to a stressful event

  • Following a stressful event


Relaxation can come in both psychological and physiological forms.

Psychological relaxation refers to the reduction in stress hormone release such as cortisol.

A reduction in the level of cortisol within the blood will allow the individual to feel a reduction in anxiety, stress and depression.


Physiological relaxation refers to the increase in tissue flexibility, elasticity and pliability. A reduction in musculoskeletal tension can allow the individual to feel a reduction in pain and increase their range of movement and flexibility.


Stressors are a normal part of day-to-day life. However constant stress can be very traumatic on the body and the nervous system. The physical symptoms of continued stress can culminate into

  • frequent headaches,

  • muscle spasms,

  • stomach cramps,

  • joint pain,

  • fatigue, and

  • high blood pressure.

Stress diminishes the body’s “happy hormone”, dopamine.



A massage session can assist in relieving symptoms of anxiety and panic disorder by encouraging the body to relax, making it easier to let go of  negative/fearful


Massage is a relaxation technique that can help to manage the body’s fight-or-flight response by inducing a relaxing response that calms down the nervous system, lowers the heart rate, and eases the physical symptoms of anxiety.

The power of touch can definitely provide much-needed relaxation during stressful times.

The relaxing effect can be enhanced by adding the calming properties of aromatic essential oils.

Aromatic Therapy

Aromatherapy is a comforting and a healing complementary therapy that involves the knowledgeable use of essential oils to promote and maintain a healthy mind, body and spirit, and manual therapy


Essential oils that are recommended to assist with mental healing, and recovery include

  • Cinnamon

  • Rose Geranium,

  • Patchouli,

  • Sweet Basil,

  • Peppermint, and

  • Lemon,

  • Bergamot

  • Orange



A new study reveals that Cinnamon, and its components including cinnamic acid, eugenol, and cinnamaldehyde have a positive effect on cognitive function, helping to improve memory and learning, and may also reduce some symptoms of anxiety.



Chamomile's active component apigenin is a natural tranquilliser. The seductive nature calms nerves and reduces anxiety. Inhaling chamomile vapours helps the herb to bind with the benzodiazepine receptors in the brain, acting as a mild sedative and hypnotic agent. It also increases the secretion of serotonin and melatonin hormones in the body that alleviates symptoms of chronic anxiety and stress and treats disorders like hysteria, nightmares, and insomnia. Chamomile helps the mind to get rid of distraught thoughts, reduces mental fatigue and improves sleeping patterns.


Rose Geranium

Rose geranium calms anxiety and lifts the spirits. It can aid with depression and mood swings.

It is soothing and energising.




Patchouli oil is commonly used as a depressant remedy.

By inhaling patchouli oil it    impacts on our hormones, it encourages the release of serotonin and dopamine; these hormones ease feelings of anger, anxiety and anxiousness.

Inducing grounding, soothing, and peace-inducing, to create an atmosphere of tranquillity.



Sweet Basil

Sweet Basil's energising aroma helps calm the nerves to keep stress and anxiety at bay. Additionally, it stimulates the body and mind to promote mental clarity.

The aroma has a positive and stimulating effect on the mind. It helps with soothing headaches, stress, burn-outs, mental fatigue, anxiety, insomnia, and the decline in memory.




Peppermint essential oil improve focus, concentration, overall mental clarity and boosts energy. It stimulates mental clarity, improves focus and concentration, mental performance,and enhances cognitive functions such as memory and concentration.

Peppermint oil stimulates the hippocampus part of the brain. By stimulation of the hippocampus, it can improve cognitive awareness and alertness, which leads to improved cognitive performance.


Citrus Scents

The group of Citrus scents can be stimulating and sleep-promoting, depending on  individuals reaction and the type of citrus oil used. Bergamot, which is a member of orange family, has been shown to relieve anxiety and improve sleep quality.

Citrus scents may help some people fall asleep more easily. While others may find these fresh, bright scents help them to relax,

The very smell of citrus essential oil may bring back memories of happy moments and bring pleasant thoughts to mind.



Lemon Essential oil improves focus and concentration. It creates an uplifting and stimulating environment that boosts energy and focus.

lemon essential oil has proven to be powerful calming and mood-improving qualities.

Research has shown that Lemon is a better stress reliever than lavender.



Bergamot essential oil has refreshing and uplifting qualities. Known as "Nature's Prozac" it is popular in aromatherapy for easing anxiety, stress, depression, nervous tension, over-emotional feelings,fatigue and physical and mental agitation.



Orange essential oil may aid in improving cognitive function, helping ease anxiety, improves alertness and positive mood .

Orange essential oil might promote secretions from all appropriate glands including the exocrine and endocrine.

It can help reduce pulse rate and salivary cortisol that is secreted when one is in a state of anxiety.

Orange essential oil can aid in the managing of post-traumatic stress disorder

The important health connection between the mind-body has been clinically proven through the new science of Psychoneuroimmunology.

Each essential oil can have several beneficial physiological impacts on the physical body and psychological actions. Blends of essential oils can improve mental, physical and emotional wellbeing, thus treating the person as a whole.

Essential oils are powerful enough to affect the mind-body link, it is an invaluable tool which helps those afflicted break this vicious psychosomatic cycle,

“Aromatherapy is a caring, hands-on therapy which seeks to induce relaxation, to increase energy, to reduce the effects of stress and to restore lost balance to mind, body and soul.” 
— Robert Tisserand.

The combination of Aromatics and Massage  helps people cope with seasonal affective disorder, SAD, by improving mood and boosting energy levels and mental health by lowering levels of the stress hormone..

Aromatherapy works particularly well alongside and in support of other therapies such as counselling, psychotherapy, massage therapy, and orthodox medicine.  Its power to alleviate the effects of stress which is endemic in modern life, makes it a valuable tool in living a healthier, happier and more fulfilling,  balanced life.

Roger of Therapi Tylino can provide a range of treatment catering to a wide range of circumstances

mainGeoff Harper