Therapi Tylino is still open for business! If only for advice.


Whilst I am unable to see patients face to face until further notice, I am still open for business to provide advice and guidance!

Telephone appointments, in the format of video or telephone consultations are now available. The focus of consultations will be to create a personalised self-management plan, including appropriate exercises. There is a lot I can help you with so you will be able manage your discomfort yourself, and I am here to support you in any way I can.

With our healthcare system under a tremendous strain, I know people are struggling with soft tissue, muscle, issues that shouldn't be taking up critical time and energy at their primary care doctor's practice, or worse, accident and emergency.

If my practice can help ease the load and assess, treat, or see any patients who have a soft tissue complaint I'd be happy to provide advice.

I continue to follow the latest health and safety regulations and I am constantly reviewing up-to-date research and guidelines. I am currently working with the CNHC Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council to determine the best way forward to be able to open for face-to-face consultations. I will be back in touch once we know when and where this will be possible in this time of social distancing and managing the risk of spreading viral infections. Be assured that the best way I can help you is being open for treatments but in the meantime, I plan a return to business.

If I can help in any way, please do not hesitate to reach out by Phone, Text, Web Site Contact Page, Facebook Messenger or Email.

Take care and stay safe

Roger Daniels
